Female Gym

Now a day’s females are very conscious about over body figure and health. She wants to make her body slim and smart. Therefore, they will join gyms. They will do different types of exercises in the gym to achieve their goals like fat loss, gaining muscle. Some women’s attending yoga classes. Many countries have not proper female gyms. Men and women’s doing exercises at a time or at different time.
               In gym they will perform different exercises to target the different muscle group.

  •         They will do cardio 30 to 40 minutes to target overall body muscles.

  •         For making you abs or to get a flat, toned stomach do these exercises:

Ø  Plank
The plank has been around for a while now, yet most people still do it incorrectly. That said it’s still one of the best ab’s exercises. 
The key to this exercise is activating all of your muscles. Doing so, forms a body wide across all of your joints, making your body more stable.

Ø  Knee Drive Hold
In a push-up position, place your hands on a stability ball or fixed surface (chair, couch, etc.…) as your base. Brace your abdominal, tuck your tailbone under to eliminate any low back curvature, and drive your knee into your chest.
Hold for two seconds and squeeze your abs while supporting straight leg is fully activated. Return the start and switch legs. Perform 12 reps.

  •        These exercises will tone your butt

Ø  Dumbbell Squats:
A simple way to kick off even a quickie workout, these squats are powerful little moves

Ø  Explosive Lunges:
This exercise gives you an awesome stretch on gluts.

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