Kids Gym

In this era, kids shown less interest in sports or other physical activities. They seen less in the gym. Over the past 15 to 20 years, advancement in technology and changes in life styles have left many adults and children sitting more in front of computers, television, video games and mobile phones. Therefore, obesity in children will increases. To stop the rise in body weight of the children, physical activities classes and healthy food should be modeled at school and home.

Most of the people think about exercise, they imagine working out in the gym, lifting weights or running on the treadmill.

But exercises for kids means your kid is physically active. When they join martial arts, gymnastics or other classes to stay healthy and fit. Doing cycling or running.

                              Benefits of exercises

·        Kids, they doing exercise have stronger muscles and bones.

·        They have lean bodies.

·        They avoid for many diseases like blood pressure, lower cholesterol level.

·        They have less chance of becoming our weight.

·        They sleep better and also help in studying.

·        Stretching exercises improve flexibility of your body muscles and joints.

`Many schools provide gym classes for their students. It is very important for well being of a kid who do not engage in physical activities out side of schools. A good physical class activity raises the heart rate, increase the pulse rate.

According to the American Heart Association, gym classes can help teach children skills that can help them be achieve their whole lives. The physical activities also helps the children mind and they think positively.

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