Home Gym

Everyone don't wants to work out at a gym. Many people would jog or run out side. During winter season or a rainy day, you are not going to want to jog or run outside. If you are a woman, you may not feel comfortable with exercising alone outside.
In this case, home gyms are another option which gives you gym environment without the big work crowds and price.

The big advantage of home gym is you do not pay high membership fees, use free weight which works out your target muscles. If you have tight schedule at office work, you’re able to work out when it suits you and not between the gaming hours of the gym.
Peoples who wants to stay fit or transform their body, have nor enough time to going gym regularly. what will they do? They will do exercises at home to achieve their goals. Firstly, they will purchase some major gym equipment and place it at home.
Equipment’s that will be needed for your home gym.
·        Barbell and plate set: you will do following exercises with the help of barbell
Legs: squatting, lunges, dead lift
Back: barbell rows.
Shoulder: military press, behind the neck press
Chest: bench press
Arms: bicep curls, skill crushers.

·        Dumbbells and Bench: you will have different collection of dumbbells low, medium, heavy weights to do the exercise. Most of the barbell sets you will need a bench. You will always go for a bench that has incline and decline functions.

1 comment:

  1. Great article & it will be really helpful during the pandemic lockdowns. Doing workout in the home with the full equipments would be amazing.
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