
Small waist or six-pack abs makes your entire body attractive.
Peoples are very excited to build six-pack abs. Therefore, people want to join gym or doing physical activities like running, swimming etc. to make there body well and build abs. Women are also very crazy to build abs.
People who have abs looking sexy and they attract other people around them. Therefore, Abs are one of the most important muscle groups in the body.
Many people having a dream to build six-pack abs, but it takes hundreds of crunches a day to reach their goals.


You will build abs by performing these following exercises:

1.      Plank

               Muscles involved core, lats, glutes, quads.

The plank has been around for a while now, yet most people still do it incorrectly. That said it’s still one of the best abs exercises. 
The key to this exercise is activating all of your muscles. Doing so, forms a body wide across all of your joints, making your body more stable.

Get into a pushup position on the floor, then bend your elbows 90 degrees and rest your weight on your forearms.
Your elbows should be directly under your shoulders, and your body should form a straight posture from your head to your feet.
Tighten and draw your abdominal muscles in (as if putting on a tight pair of pants), squeeze your glutes and legs, and hold for 30 seconds or more.

2.      Side plank

Lie on right side and straighten your legs.

With your right forearm directly under your right shoulder and abdominal contracted, prop yourself up so that all of your body weight is supported by your right forearm and your body forms a diagonal line. Rest your left hand on your hip. Hold for required time, then switch sides.

3.   Dead bug


Lie flat on the floor on your back. Contract your abdominal and raise your legs off the floor at a 90-degree angle so your lower legs are parallel to the floor.
Raise your arms and push your hands into your thighs, then lower your left leg and right arm until they are just off the floor and wait for a second before going back to start position. Perform 15 repetitions.

4.      Knee Drive Hold


In a push-up position, place your hands on a stability ball or fixed surface (chair, couch, etc…) as your base. Brace your abdominal, tuck your tailbone under to eliminate any low back curvature, and drive your knee into your chest.
Hold for two-four seconds and squeeze your abs while the supporting straight leg is fully activated. Return the start and switch legs. Perform 15 reps.

5.      L Sit


If the chair hold wasn’t challenging enough for you then perform the same movement but straighten your legs this time. There’s your L Sit.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this amazing tutorial, it is really helpful for the workouts.
    Abs Online classes


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